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Aile de snowkite monopeau Gin ShamanLa réponse officielle de Fabienne de Gin a propos des noeuds de la 5ème :
"Il y a 3 noeuds sur le pigatail de la 5ème ligne, On connecte en général à celui du milieu, et on garde une petite marge si les lignes des avants venaient à s'étirer ou se rétracter avec les 2 autres noeuds."
Accident snowkite en MatheysineC'est Frank Agliata qui s'est pris une boite au Connest hier et qui est retombé de son poid sur un cailloux -> Helico + Fémur cassé. Marc pourra en dire plus, il était avec lui. Attention aux spots de PP et Connest qui sont blanc mais insuffisamment enneigé. Ca touche souvent, il aurait pu m'arriver la meme hier à PP, un ski bloqué d'un coup sur un cailloux qui a déchaussé, grosse boite mais sur la terre, ouf.
(Photos Marc B.)
AvalanchesComme je découvre ce site, je partage le lien vers cette carte qui répertorie des zones d'avalanches :
Il faut mettre le fond de carte "Scan 25 Couleur" et cliquer sur "CPLA"Par exemple autour du Lautaret, ca donne ca :
Evidemment, il y a beaucoup de orange … ensuite à chacun de prendre ses responsabilités. Ce qui est clair c'est que le temps ou le snowkite se cantonnait aux plateaux est loin mais faut peut être faire particulièrement gaffe à certaines pentes ou certaines conditions ... ou sinon prier très fort pour que ça finisse aussi bien que pour Noah Poritz ci-dessous dont je recopie le message facebook d'hier, c'est toujours instructif le partage d'expérience :
For many years I have been smugly satisfied that as a snowkiter I am often kiting intermediate terrain which poses no risk to being buried in an avalanche. On risky days when the avy cycle was considerable or high, I knew that my friends and I were safe from avalanche danger and could enjoy the deep, fresh powder without worry. Further, on steeper terrain, we are usually kiting on the windward slope, the mountain side that is quite stable.
However, as our kite skills have advanced that has smugness has disappeared. We are seeking out steeper and steeper terrain and placing ourselves into situations that do pose an objective hazard to snow slides.
Recently I was kiting in Wyoming’s Big Horn mountains and was seeing lots of small pockets of wind loaded terrain releasing remotely. These pockets of unstable, wind loaded snow were popping 400 - 500 yards away as I kited nearby on shallower terrain. They were running on faceted snow buried near the ground level.
On our second day, a group of us arrived on the SW side of Bald Mountain and saw that nothing had released after considerable (3 -4 feet) of new snowfall. Having kited this side of the mountain many, many times I know the mountain like my backyard. I knew that if I kited the cornice line I could bust the cornice, get some movement, release the hang fire and thereby stabilize the lower slopes. I launched my kite, my 15m Ozone Summit, and proceeded to make one pass above the cornice. Nothing moved. The cornice was rock solid, anchored firmly in place. Following that, I made a couple passes on the lower slope, keeping well away from the overhanging portions of the cornice. Still nothing moved. Again, I was well away from any overhanging portions of the steeper ridge.
On my third pass, ripping along in the fresh powder, in an instant the slope around me erupted in a fury of moving snow. Blocks and bricks of the avalanche roiled downward. I reacted calmly and brought my kite high, took advantage of the localized ridge lift and floated my skis lightly above the maelstrom. The experience of kite skiing above the moving snow was enchanting. The visual experience of seeing an avalanche from above was amazing; it was as if I was in a river rapid. Kiting in a cascading flow of moving snow was certainly a first for me and, while momentarily exhilarating, not an experience I want to repeat.
As kiters seeking out steep terrain in high, remote mountains we need to increase our safety preparedness. Beacons, shovels, probes, experienced partners, PLB’s, first aid training, rescue training, are just a few of the basics that our sport now requires. We have long past the days of kiting in farm fields with limited skills or preparedness. The times have changed and we need to have the awareness to be ready for the unlikely day that things don’t go as planned.
Thanks for reading and windy regards,
Noah -
Pliage d'une aile à caisson dans la neigeSi dans le salon ca plait pas tu la met sur ton lit ! Apres elle voudra bien le salon
Emporté par le ventLa vidéo d'une session magique à Font d'Urle le 28 décembre 2017. Seul sur le spot dans une belle ambiance avec la neige qui vole et le soleil qui joue à cache cache avec les nuages ...
AvalanchesVoila ma petite mini experience a moi en video :
Trilogie au Lautaret21 février 2018 - Trilogie au Lautaret
La magie du snowkite : de la belle montagne, de la pente, de la poudre, quelques vols et un top itinéraire dans un vent léger de secteur sud-est.
Galibier / Pic Blanc / Trois Evechés.